サイズ:150mm X 210mm(A5)
This is a comprehensive guidebook describing the extensive bouldering at Zarzalejo, which is located to the west of Madrid, near San Lorenze de El Escorial.The bouldering here is on weathered granite rock with a wide variety of styles from vertical steep walls to slabs with lots of crimps and slopers.In general the landings are flat meaning that only 1 crash pad is required.The Zarzalejo guidebook details over 650 boulder problems across a wide range of grades from Font 5’s through to Font 8’s.All the problems are shown on colour photo topos, along with Fontainebleau grades and a brief description. For each sector there are good colour location maps and detailed approach information.
Published in July 2015 this guidebook is in Spanish and English text throughout.
Number of pages is 182.
Size is 150mm x 210mm (A5).
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