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  • The Comprehensive Castle Hill Climbing Guide(キャッスルヒル クライミングガイド) ※2015最新 ※メール便88円 ※再販未定
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    The Comprehensive Castle Hill Climbing Guide(キャッスルヒル クライミングガイド) ※2015最新 ※メール便88円 ※再販未定


    キャッスルヒルの最も人気の高い2つのエリア、Quantum Field と Spittle Hillを記載した最新のトポです。2015年に更新されたこのトポは、256ページにわたりグレードの改定と、新掲載されています。203のルート課題と5,300以上のボルダー課題、また岩場へのアクセス・アプローチに関する貴重な情報も記載されています。

    A detailed description to every climb ever established within Castle Hill’s two most popular areas: Quantum Field and Spittle Hill.
    Initially released in 2008, The Comprehensive Castle Hill Climbing Guide is now updated for 2015, with up-grades, down-grades and newly established problems.
    Painstakingly researched and designed, this authoritative 256 page publication presents a detailed description to every climb ever established within Castle Hill’s two most popular areas: Quantum Field and Spittle Hill.
    All climbs are thoughtfully described, graded and star-rated for quality
    Route descriptions contain essential safety information such as length, number of bolts and lower-off method
    All maps have compass bearings and are to a scale which is standard throughout
    Featuring an extensive collection from NZ’s award-winning climbing photographers
    256 pages, black and white photos
    Quantum Field; Spittle Hill; Rambandit Gully; Cave Stream; Flock Hill; Dry Valley; Wuthering Heights; Dark Castle; Prebble Hill; Five Valley Area; Gorge Hill; Back of Flock; History; Geology; Weather; Terrain; Rest Days; Injury; Travel and Accommodation

    New Zealand 2015 from Jimmy Webb on Vimeo.
