フォンテーヌブロー以外のフランスにある有名なボルダリングエリアを記載しているトポ。砂岩愛好者クライマーには非常に人気があります。フランス北部ランス、ストラスブール近辺のアルザス、リヨン南方ローヌ渓谷沿い、モンペリエ付近の4つのエリアを網羅しています。収録エリアはHottée du Diable,Secteur Dune,Hottée de Gargantua,Laurenzoboulderfels,Hultehouse,Blocs Bo,Roche qui dansent, Bois Laville,Mas de l'Ayre,Le Prieuréです。
サイズ:150mm X 210mm(A5)
This guidebook covers some of the lesser well-known sandstone bouldering areas in France that will appeal to climbers looking for different bouldering areas in France away from Fontainebleau. 4 distinct areas are covered, which are; around Reims in northern France; the Alsace region near Strasbourg; along the Rhone valley to the south of Lyon; and around Montpellier.
In total 10 sandstone bouldering areas are described, which are as follows:
Reims area; Hottée du Diable, Secteur Dune, and Hottée de Gargantua.
Alsace region near Strasbourg; Laurenzoboulderfels, and Hultehouse.
To the south of Lyon; Blocs Bo, Roche qui dansent, Bois Laville, and Mas de l'Ayre.
Around Montpellier is Le Prieuré.
The guidebook describes around 1,100 problems from Font grade 2 to 8b, which are all shown on colour photo topos, and on boulder maps. At the start of each bouldering area there is a good location map and detailed access information, along with GPS coordinates for the parking areas.
Published in April 2014, this guidebook is in German, French, Italian, and English text throughout.
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